EldorADO.NET Class Library

Correlation Properties

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The properties of the Correlation class are listed below. For a complete list of Correlation class members, see the Correlation Members topic.

Public Instance Properties

EntityDataMissing <summary> documentation for P:Eldorado.Object.Query.Correlation.EntityData
ExcludedMissing <summary> documentation for P:Eldorado.Object.Query.Correlation.Excluded
IsOuterJoinMissing <summary> documentation for P:Eldorado.Object.Query.Correlation.IsOuterJoin
NameMissing <summary> documentation for P:Eldorado.Object.Query.Correlation.Name
ReferenceDataMissing <summary> documentation for P:Eldorado.Object.Query.Correlation.ReferenceData
Source If the correlation is introduced through a join, Source is the source of the reference & ReferenceData describes the target Otherwise it is a simple entity type potentially aliased and Root and ReferenceData are not used

See Also

Correlation Class | Eldorado.Object.Query Namespace